Let's get to know Hokkaido's representative convenience store Seiko Mart

Japan is known as a convenience store paradise.
In Japan, you can take off a certified copy at a convenience store, pay a water bill, etc.
It also serves as an official function, and among the Japanese,
Convenience stores are also considered as one of the living infrastructures.

If you want to pick the top 3 famous national districts, it is 7-Eleven, Family Mart, and Lawson.
In Hokkaido, Seikomart is overwhelming is.

편의점세력도 (빨강:세븐일레븐, 초록:훼미리마트, 파랑:로손, 주황:세이코마트)
출처: 아사히 신문 https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASRD15RD2RCKULFA00H.html

In Sapporo, Hokkaido's first city, there are many convenience stores.
Outside of Sapporo, it's the world of Seiko Mart.

다만 세이코마트의 주의점은 편의점임에도
24시간 영업을 하는 점포가 드물다는 점입니다.
그러나 스스키노 주변의 세이코마트는 24시간 점포가 많습니다.

*Seico Mart is Japan's first convenience store and has been in business since 1971.
This is three years ahead of 7-Eleven (1974~), which opened the fastest among the three major convenience stores.

There are three main things to pay attention to at Seiko Mart.

  1. SECOMA, a self-produced PB product line using Hokkaido's ingredients.

Yubari melon or dairy products of Hokkaido
The products made using local ingredients are more diverse than other convenience stores.
In addition to Secoma, Seikomart also has a wide variety of exclusive products.
If you are familiar with the three Japanese convenience stores to some extent,
Take a look at Seicomart's own products and feel new once again.

  1. Kitchen in a convenience store, Hot Chef

It is a small kitchen that sells prepared foods within Seico Mart.
Unlike other companies, it is characterized by cooking from real raw materials, not frozen products.

The most popular item is katsudon!
They are cooked around mealtime, and they are often out of stock after 7 p.m.
In addition to katsudon, onigiri and chicken are also famous, so please try them once.
I especially make it in the store, not in the factory.
My favorite is Hot Chef's onigiri, which keeps it hot.

*In the case of Hot Chef, it is not available in all SeicoMart stores.
Through https://store.seicomart.co.jp/index.php
It is recommended to check if there is a hot chef before visiting.

  1. Variety and affordable alcoholic beverages

You can buy G7, a Korean E-Mart wine, at a cheaper price than in Korea at Seico Mart.
And the fact that they handle large quantities of 2 liters and 4 liters of alcoholic beverages.
Of course, having a drink at an izakaya is the best part of traveling in Japan.
For drinkers who want to drink quietly in a hotel room for a day or so,
I think this is also an advantage.

Many people come to Hokkaido
When it comes to convenience stores in Japan, Lawson, FamilyMart, and 7-Eleven are very famous.
I think it's rare to target Seicomart.
If you've been to Hokkaido
We recommend that you visit Hokkaido's representative convenience store, Seiko Mart.


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