홋카이도 의류 브랜드 소개 – TNOC hokkaido [+할인쿠폰]

홋카이도 매거진이 5% 할인 쿠폰을 제공하고 있습니다 홋카이도를 주무대로 하는 의류 브랜드 TNOC hokkaido를 아시나요? 2020년에 시작된 티녹 홋카이도는 의류에서부터 잡화까지 폭넓은 아이템을 취급하는 홋카이도 태생의 라이프스타일 브랜드입니다. 홋카이도의 자연이나 풍경으로부터 영감을 받은 컬러와 디자인, 홋카이도의 생활에서 얻은 지혜를 살린 기능성으로 성별이나 연령을 불문하고 남녀노소 누구에게나 어울릴만한 브랜드 입니다. 현재

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[Airport] a fantastic gift!? If you can get your hands on this, your trip will be 99% successful!

At New Chitose Airport, there are three so-called phantom gifts. Why is it called that? That's because it's famous for magically disappearing in an instant as soon as it's on the shelves of a store. In fact, even the people of Hokkaido line up to buy gifts. When you hear about this, you can't go without buying it, right? Here's a look at that rumored fantasy gift! 1, Senshuan "raw Norseman" made with Hokkaido milk in the original Norsman

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Let's get to know Hokkaido's representative convenience store Seiko Mart

Japan is known as a convenience store paradise. In Japan, convenience stores are used to remove copies and pay water bills, and they are also used as public functions, so convenience stores are considered one of the infrastructure of daily life among Japanese people. If you want to pick the top 3 famous national wards, they are Seven-Eleven, Family Mart, and Lawson, but Seico Mart is overwhelming in Hokkaido. In Sapporo, Hokkaido's first city, there are many convenience stores, but outside of Sapporo, there is a world of Seikomart.  However, the caveat of Seikomart is that it is open 24 hours a day even though it is a convenience store.

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Only limited editions have been collected! Interesting Hokkaido University original goods

Hokkaido University's unique products vividly showcase the campus culture, and each product reflects the characteristics and charm of the university. Below, we'll introduce you to the store where you can buy original products, as well as Hokkaido University original products that you can't miss. 【Store Information】 1. Elm Forest (Hokkaido University Main Gate) It is also introduced in the article "Recommended walking courses on the Hokkaido University campus in the middle of winter". Elm grove is in the school

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Even if you forgot, you can solve it here! A savior in the airport

On the last day of the trip, I thought, "I should have bought that too... " Have you ever been like this? " There are no shops that are open from the morning, and there is no time... If this is the case, I would have bought it yesterday... "We've all had regrets like this! At such times, there is a savior at New Chitose Airport who can help us! It's SORA DONKI.Don Quixote in the airport, where you can shop until the last minute of your trip. Before I left, I was in a hurry, so I left the store

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